An Open Letter to Salem: The House that Built Me ~by: Hannah Wagner~

An Open Letter to Salem: The House that Built Me ~by: Hannah Wagner~

I hope this message finds you as well as it can in these daunting times. I am a student athlete of the Class of 2020. As you move forward each day, facing vulnerable times, grappling heartbreak and frustration, I wanted to take a moment to be vulnerable with you and share the impact Salem College has had on me.

Dear Salem College,

When I moved in almost three and a half years ago, I never imagined the impact you would have on my life. It might seem frivolous to remark on how you have had such a huge influence, but what happened within your four walls made me the woman I am today.

Things began when I moved in as a bright-eyed freshman. It was about 30 minutes before early check-in for athletes began and with no idea where to go, we pulled to the middle of campus. Wary of parking here, my family of five quickly began unloading all of my things on the front steps of Clewell. Once unloaded, I ran to public safety eager to get my room key, unaware I would be taking my student ID picture on arrival. Hot, sweaty, and bright red, that picture of me on my first day has followed me around through every door and down each hallway since.

My room was small, but you gave me somewhere to call home.

You gave me stability with daily eating schedules and study tables with my sisters. You gave me somewhere to stay when I was stuck at school over break and all I wanted to do was go home. When everything came crashing down around me, you gave me a safe haven. You gave me the foundation I needed in order to be successful.

In the next year, you were a stable structure when my life was anything but. You gave me a place to look forward to when summer came to an end. You gave me a place to study when I took on too much. You gave me a place to recover after hours of practice. You gave me the motivation to keep moving forward.

My junior year, when I moved in, you had experienced a bit of a face lift. Gone were the old ways and in their place was a new way of succeeding. The year began with you needing a new soccer coach. With only one year under her belt as the Athletic Director, Trish Hughes brought to you, Octavia Saunders. Together with your support, they created a new team, a new beginning, and changed my life forever. I vowed to spend more time with you, become more invested, and get to know you better.

In return, you gave me a captain's spot, a record-breaking season, and a forever family.

You gave me a place to discuss changing the path I was on (again) and a place to pace in while I mulled the idea over. You handed me the resources, Collier Lumpkin, Dr. Laura Watts, and Dr. Erika Bonadio, to help to keep me sane and lead me to the best decision. You gave me building blocks I needed to grow.

In our final year together, I had all I needed. A family within your walls, a future plan forged by those you placed in front of me. You gave me the opportunity to continue to play the sport I love under some of the most influential coaches with whom I have ever crossed paths. I found what it means to care about something with every ounce of my being.

To Ocky and Kaitlyn: Thank you for your passion and interest in every single one of us. Each and every day, we worked for each other, but more importantly, we worked for you both. Your light-hearted personalities, persistence in pushing us past our limits, and uplifting natures were critical in the development of not only my athletic career but also the athletic ability of every single player on your team. Together we grew, and together we fought. You taught us not only how to be excellent athletes but also how to be better people.

I will never forget the lessons you taught me, and I will continue to use the morals you instilled in me within every aspect of my life. Because of you both, I not only enjoy pushing myself, but I enjoy pushing those around me. You two are an inspiration and a role model that I will never forget in my lifetime. Although I know there are millions of other things I could thank you for, a thank you will never suffice for all that you have done for me, I will leave it at this: You not only changed my outlook on soccer, you changed my outlook on how to lead my life. You taught me how to persevere. You have given me the tools to succeed, and for that, I am forever grateful. For that, I thank you.

Just short of a championship title, my last season came to an end. I kept busy with a heavy class load. I had tasted life outside of your walls, and at times the grass seemed much greener there. You were there as I persevered through one of the most difficult and jubilant times thus far.

You were there to give me support in ways I had not imagined so far from home. You showed me the importance of real friends—Amy, Kim, Emmie, and Rojo—whom I will carry with me far beyond your walls. You showed me Residence Life, who gave me the opportunity to be an RA for all the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed freshman. Something I would have never done if it wasn't for you.

You showed me the impact I could make on those around me. You gave me a purpose, a newfound identity fostered by all those around me.

Over four years, you changed with the women who lived within your walls. You got fresh coats of paint, new students, and a new outlook. Yet as we both evolved, you provided something I had so desperately wanted when I left my parents as a freshman. You gave me a place to come home to that remained whether it was a good day or a bad day. You gave me somewhere to find myself and share some of the happiest moments of my life. Throughout every moment we shared together, you gave me a home, pushed me outside of my comfort zone, and gave me the tools to be my best self.

I never realized how the things that would happen within your walls would change me as much they did. At first, I was a part of you, now you have become one of the most influential parts of me.

We, the Class of 2020, may not be able to thank you in person, but I am confident in the legacy our class leaves behind. I am proud to be a part of you, proud to call you all family, and will always hold you dear to my heart.

Hannah Wagner
Salem College Class of 2020