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Student Athlete Advisory Council

Salem College Constitution



1.     To promote communication between athletics administration and student athletes.

2.     To promote communication between student athletes and administration of each other’s needs and issues.

3.     To give student athletes a voice in suggesting the rules, regulations, and policies that affect their lives on campus and within the NCAA governance structure.

4.     To promote a positive student athlete image through involvement in the Salem College and Winston-Salem community.

5.     To provide programs for student athletes, which will encourage academic achievement, health promotion, social responsibility, and general awareness.


1.     Membership shall consist of two representatives from each of the varsity athletic teams.

2.     One representative is first selected by the team and the second representative is selected by the team coach at the beginning of the academic year.

3.     Each member can only represent one team on the SAAC.

4.     Each member serves as a liaison between the committee and her individual team.

5.     Each member shall be entitled to a single vote in all matters before the committee.

6.     Each sport should have equal representation amongst upper and under classmen.

7.     To maintain membership on SAAC, members must maintain active membership on her elected team.


1.     Elections for officers shall take place in December of each year and positions will be announced as soon as results are finalized.

2.     For that spring, the newly elected officers will shadow the current Executive Board in order to acclimate themselves to their leadership roles in the upcoming year.

3.     Each officer serves for a year and a half term, beginning with the spring semester, and ending at the end of the next year.

4.     The newly elected officers do not gain the powers of their office until the next academic year.

5.     Elected SAAC Executive Board members are automatically members of SAAC for the next year.

Executive Board

1.     The President

a.      The President shall call and preside over all meetings, attend Conference SAAC, delegate duties, and call for a vote when warranted.

b.     The President has the duty to create an agenda for each meeting.

2.     The Vice-President

a.      The Vice-President shall act as the chairperson in the absence of the President and oversee sub-committees that form as a response to the needs of the SAAC.

3.     Secretary-Treasurer

a.      The Secretary-Treasurer shall record all minutes of the   committee’s meetings and is in charge of keeping track of attendance. In addition, she shall keep track of an annual budget, be in charge of all fundraising and report all expenses at each meeting.

b.     The Secretary-Treasurer shall disburse minutes to the committee members and the Director of Athletics within one   week. She will also keep a history of minutes and the other happenings of SAAC.

Responsibilities of every member

Each representative is expected:

1.     To attend all SAAC and committee meetings and activities unless notification has been given in advance.

2.     To represent the team’s views at committee meetings.

3.     To report to the team and the coach on all activities of the SAAC.

4.     To organize team members to help with special projects.

5.     SAAC members must attend two athletic events, for other teams, every season for a total of six events and should also strongly encourage team members to do the same.


1.     Meetings shall be held once every month or as necessary.

2.     Quorum shall consist of two-thirds of members.

3.     The Athletic Director will brief the committee on such topics as policy changes, proposed new policies, and NCAA legislation.

4.     The Attendance Policy shall be as follows:

a.      All members are expected to attend each meeting.

b.     After two unexcused absences, the representative will be asked to resign.

c.     After such a resignation, a new representative from the team will be selected to replace the old member.



1.     Proposed amendments to the Constitution must be presented in writing to the entire membership and a three-fourths approval vote is required for passage of the amendment.